What is a solar panel and types of Solar Panels?
A solar Panel is made up of solar cells connected together, which convert’s sunlight into electric energy. Solar panel works by allowing photons (Particles of light) to knock electrons free from atoms, which generating a flow of electricity.
Solar cells are made up of semiconductor materials. The most commonly used materials are silicon, gallium arsenide, and cadmium Telluride, etc.
Major types of Solar Panels
- Mono crystalline solar Panel
- Polycrystalline or multi crystalline solar Panel
Mono crystalline Solar Panel
Mono crystalline solar cells are made up of single-crystalline silicon. We can easily identify the mono crystalline solar panels by their shape (Octagonal) and color (Dark Blue or Black).
Advantages of Mono crystalline Solar Panels
- The efficiency rates of Mono crystalline solar panels are higher (16-22%).
- They require less installation space as the Mono crystalline Solar panels have higher efficiency.
- It performs better in low light / cloudy weather conditions.
Disadvantages of Mono crystalline Solar Panels
- Four sides of the cells is cut out to form an octagonal shape, the silicon ends up in waste.
- Cost of Mono crystalline solar panel is expensive as the manufacturing process is difficult.
- Suitable for Moderate temperatures.
Polycrystalline / Multi crystalline Solar Panel
Polycrystalline solar cells are made up of multiple silicon. We can easily identify the polycrystalline solar panels by their shape (square) and color (Blue).
Advantages of Polycrystalline Solar Panels
- The manufacturing process is easier and price is cheaper.
- Silicon Wastage is less.
- High temperatures have less negative effects on the efficiency.
Disadvantages of Polycrystalline Solar Panels
- The efficiency of polycrystalline solar panels are less (14-18%) compared to mono crystalline solar panels.
- They require more installation space as the polycrystalline Solar panels have less efficiency.
- It doesn’t perform well in low light / cloudy weather conditions.
Solar Panel Installation
Solar Panels should be installed in south facing direction as the sun is travelling in south direction throughout the year. The ideal tilt angle is 13° for Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
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